Loch Lomond Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Scottish Lowlands

Photo of the Loch Lomond Distillery

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Single Malt / Single Grain Scottish Whisky from the Loch Lomond Distillery

This page refers to Scottish Single Malts and Single Grain Whiskies from the Loch Lomond Distillery. Loch Lomond Distillery is situated on the banks of Loch Lomond, which is a very famous name in Scotland and throughout the world.

The distillery itself was built in 1965 by American distillers Barton Brands Ltd. This distillery is unique in that it is the only Scottish Distillery to produce both malt and grain whiskies at the same location.

For the last few years, they have brought out a special bottle in partnership with the British Open, and over the years, these could become collector items.

For more details about this distillery, please visit the Loch Lomond Distillery Page on this website

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