Laphroaig Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Islay

Photo of the Laphroaig Distillery

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Single Islay Malt Scottish Whisky from the Laphroaig Distillery

Laphroaig Distillery is situated on the beautiful island of Islay. Laphroaig is one of the most famous Scottish malts in the world and one of the favourites here at Planet Whiskies. You will find an excellent selection of Laphroaig malts on this page, with some very rare. Laphroaig has a deep history in the Scottish whisky industry, and the distillery first opened in 1810. Some of the malts matured at the distillery have the name Highgrove House, which have been made for the official residence of Prince Charles.

For more details about this distillery please visit the Laphroaig Distillery page

Selection of Whiskies from Laphroaig Distillery

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