Edradour Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Scottish Highland Single Malt Whisky

Photo of the Edradour Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from the Edradour Distillery

The Edradour Distillery is the only distillery starting with 'E' and is one of the whiskies I have never tried.

Edradour is in the Scottish Highland and is Scotland smallest distillery. There are just three men who take care of the whole whisky making process. They produced all the whisky by hand, and the process has been the same for over 150 years.

In the past this distillery was called Glenforres when it open in 1825 for a few years, and again the name changed back to Glenforres in the 1920's. It has since been bought in 2002 by Signatory and is a very big tourist attraction in the lovely village of Pitlochry. Still some malts are produced and these are listed below.

For more details about this distillery please visit the Edradour Distillery page on this website with the letter E.

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