Glen Albyn Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Speyside

Photo of the Glen Albyn Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from the Glen Albyn Distillery

This page refers to Scottish Single Malts from the Glen Albyn Distillery and was located in the Speyside region when it was open. This distillery has now closed, so some of the bottles on this page are very rare. The distillery's final day was in 1986, and now a shopping complex is on the old distillery site.

There have been a few releases in the 1970s, but over the last ten years, there have been some high-profile releases, all with a price tag. For more details about this distillery, please visit the Glen Albyn Distillery

Selection of Whiskies from Glen Albyn Distillery

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