Whisky Tasting Events | Planet Whiskies

Over the last few years Planet Whiskies have been invited to a number of whisky tastings throughout Scotland and we thought it was about time that we started writing about the tastings. Going to these whisky tasting events lets you taste different types of whiskies from Scotland and further afield.

The aim of this page is to give as much information about the whisky tasting event either it is a whisky club, hotel that has a large selection of malts available or just a bar that wants to highlight its whiskies to the readers of this website.

If you would like Planet Whiskies to visit "your tasting event" in Scotland please send us a quick email and we will try and arranged a time for a visit. Email contact@planetwhiskies.com

The Ubiquitous Chip Whisky Club - Aston Lane Glasgow

The Ubiquitous Chip Whisky Club - Aston Lane Glasgow It was a great pleasure for Planet Whiskies to be asked to come along to the launch of The Ubiquitous Chip Whisky Club (known to many as The Chip) and their first ever whisky tasting night. This tasting night was hosted by Iain Croucher of A.D. Rattray an independent bottler from Ayrshire.

As I walked into The Ubiquitous Chip I was warmly welcomed by James MacDuffie part of sommelier team of  The Ubiquitous Chip and Iain Croucher.

We had a short discussion about the night ahead and also a brief chat about A.D Rattray and their Whisky Experience and shop near Ayr. Read more.

Duck's at Kilspindie House Whisky Review | Choose From Over 90 Malts | Also Selection of Malts from SMWS at Duck's at Kilspindie House

Ducks at Kilspindie House whisky tastingPlanet Whiskies were very kindly asked to do a whisky review just 18 miles outside Edinburgh and of course we gratefully accepted. This tasting was taking place at Duck's at Kilspindie House, which is located in the lovely seaside village of Aberlady. With over 90 malts behind the bar we knew we were in for an interesting night. As we were driving to Ducks, and of course the whisky tasting which was going to be that night, an overnight stay was required. Read about this whisky tasting and review at Duck's at Kilspindie House


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