Jura Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Scottish Islands

Photo of the Jura Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from the Isle of Jura Distillery

This page refers to Scottish Single Malts from the Scottish Islands - The Isle of Jura Distillery. The Isle of Jura Distillery has had an open/close history, with the first Jura distillery built in 1810, and this stood open for 90 years. The present distillery was constructed over a couple of years at the start of the 1960's on the same ground where the first Jura distillery was built. This distillery creates more of a Highland malt taste in its whisky rather than one of the peated types typically known for Islay and Island malts.

Over the last few years, there have been some other releases from this distillery with peat-tasting malts, and they are beginning to be well-liked within the whisky industry.

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