Glen Elgin Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Speyside

Photo of the Glen Elgin Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from The Glen Elgin Distillery.

The malts on this page are from the Glen Elgin Distillery in the Scottish Speyside region of Scotland. Glen Elgin Distillery has a long history in Scottish whisky and is most remembered because of the White Horse blend in which its malts are used. But they have a collection of great malts on offer, and one of the best is the 12-year-old below.

The distillery is situated on the river Lossie and right in the heart of the Speyside whisky region. The styles of the malts that come out of this distillery are like so many Speyside malts: smooth and mellow, and you can taste the honey so clearly within each mouthful. Some unusual and superb flavours come out of the Glen Elgin malts, and it would be a real shame if you never get the chance to try one of them.

For more details about this distillery, please visit the The Glen Elgin Distillery page.

Selection of Whiskies from Glen Elgin Distillery

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