Planet Whiskies Distillery Tours

Planet Whiskies has started a section on this website for tours of distilleries we have completed. We have visited many distilleries over the years, but now we have decided to give special coverage on the website for any new Scottish distilleries we have visited.

If you would like Planet Whiskies to visit your distillery in Scotland please send us a quick email and we will try and arranged a time for a visit. Email

Planet Whiskies Tour of Glen Scotia Distillery in Campbeltown

Glen Scotia Distillery in Campbeltown

Planet Whiskies visited Glen Scotia in June 2018 and were very impressed by the distillery and shop. It was a pleasure taking to Callum Frazer who is the Shop and Tour Manager for Loch Lomond Group Glen Scotia Distillery. Read more

Planet Whiskies Tour around the Oban Distillery

Planet Whiskies Tour around the Oban DistilleryPlanet Whiskies went on a road trip on 16th October 2016 and ended up visiting Diageo’s second smallest distillery, The Oban Distillery in the Western Highlands. We arrived in Oban the night before the distillery tour and booked into The Royal Hotel. As we had never been to Oban before and were not sure... Read more

Planet Whiskies Tour Around The Macallan Distillery

Planet Whiskies Tour Around The Macallan DistilleryPlanet Whiskies recently visited The Macallan Distillery and see what we had to say about this world famous Speyside Distillery - "The first distillery of the day was The Macallan Distillery and all concerned were so excited about the fact that we were visiting this famous Speyside distillery today and having a private tour around the facilities, and of course the whisky tasting of The Macallan malts after the tour." Read about The Macallan SIx Pillars Tour

Aberlour Distillery Tour and Tasting by Planet Whiskies

Aberlour Tour by Planet WhiskiesRead about Planet Whiskies tour of the famous Aberlour Distillery in the Speyside Region of Scotland. Our tour happened in April 2014 and if you are in the Speyside area it is a must visit for all whisky enthusiast. The Planet Whiskies team have been to a number of Scottish distilleries, but on this Sunday morning in the middle of April we had an extra special reason to be excited as we were about to visit the famous Aberlour Distillery in the Speyside whisky region of Scotland. Read more

Planet Whiskies Tour around Tomatin Single Highland Malt Distillery

Planet Whiskies Tour around Tomatin Single Highland Malt DistilleryThe Planet Whiskies team have been to a number of distilleries over the years, but today was the chance to go to a very special distillery. We have mentioned this distillery on Planet Whiskies many times and have published all their recent new whisky releases and world-wide awards they have received.  Today we were going to Tomatin and could not wait to see inside this famous Scottish distillery. Read more about the Tomatin Distillery Tour

The Glengoyne Distillery Tasting Tour by Planet Whiskies

The Glengoyne Distillery Tasting TourPlanet Whiskies was very kindly asked to go along to the Glengoyne distillery and take part in one of their tasting tours that are held several times a day throughout the year. When we arrived after a short drive from Dumbarton and parking the car near the Wwarehouses, which are in the Lowlands Whisky Region, we headed across the road to the main distilling area of Glengoyne. Read more about the Glengoyne Distillery Tour

The Glenlivet Distillery Tasting Tour by Planet Whiskies

The Glenlivet Tour by Planet WhiskiesRead about Planet Whiskies tour of the famous Glenlivet Distillery in the Speyside Region of Scotland. This was a tour that the Planet Whiskies team had wanted to complete for a number of years and when Chivas invited us to the distillery, like all whisky enthusiast we accepted. Tours at the Glenlivet are available all year round, but booking advisable. Find out more details about their tour at the bottom of this page. Read more about The Glenlivet Distillery Tour

Morrison Bowmore Distillery Tour by Planet Whiskies

Bowmore Distillery Tour by Planet WhiskiesIt was Saturday morning on Islay and the Planet Whiskies team were up early to visit the famous Islay Distillery of Bowmore. There was four of us in the Planet Whiskies party this morning as we drove the 10 miles from Port Ellen to Bowmore we passed Islay airport and the "peat fields" of Islay. Read more about our tour of Bowmore


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