Craigellachie Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Speyside

Photo of the Craigellachie Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from the Craigellachie Distillery

This page refers to Scottish Single Malts from the Craigellachie. Craigellachie was built in 1981 and finally produced whisky in 1989. Also, the whisky produced at this distillery went into creating the White Horse blend.

The distillery is known locally as the White Horse Distillery. 98% of the whisky produced at Craigellachie was used in the making of blend whisky, with the other 2% kept for own bottlings of Single Malts.

The latest owner of this distillery is Bacardi after Diageo sold it. The ones that are still available are listed below, and you can purchase them by clicking the link beside each of the bottles. For more details about this distillery, please visit the Scottish Distillery page on this website.

Selection of Whiskies from Craigellachie Distillery

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