Highland Park Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Scottish Islands

Photo of the Highland Park Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from the Highland Park Distillery

This page refers to Scottish Single Malts from the Highland Park Distillery on Orkney. Highland Park Distillery is famous worldwide because of the quality of the distillery's malts. The distillery has been around for over 210 years since it started producing whisky in 1798.

All its malt has a minimum of 10 years before being bottled, but most are at least 12 year old. With the weather that is on the Scottish Island of Orkney and the peat field the water source travels through, you know you are guaranteed to have a top-quality malt when you purchase a malt from this amazing distillery.

For more details about this distillery, please visit Highland Park distillerypage on this website where you will find an interesting video about this distillery. This video is an excellent piece of work from Highland Park. It is fascinating, showing you all the history surrounding this distillery and how they make all their wonderful Island malts.

Also on this page, there are all the contact details, history and links to all the latest whisky news that has come out from this distillery over the last few years.

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