Glen Scotia Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Campbeltown

Photo of the Glen Scotia Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky Glen Scotia Distillery.

The malts on this page are from the Glen Scotia Distillery in the Campbeltown Whisky Region of Scotland. Campbeltown whisky region is now the smallest whisky region, with only three distilleries presently in working order. This distillery is owned by Loch Lomond Group and was founded in 1832

Planet Whiskies visited this distillery a few years ago. It's a lovely distillery situated on the outskirts of Campbeltown. We could not do a tour the day we arrived, but we had a good look around the shop and bought a malt for tasting later.

For more details about this distillery please visit the Glen Scotia Distillery page

Selection of Whiskies from Glen Scotia Distillery

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