Oban Scottish Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland |  Region: Scottish Highland Single Malt Whisky

Photo of the Oban Distillery

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Single Malt Scottish Whisky from Oban Distillery

Welcome to the page on Planet Whiskies for single malts from the Oban Distillery. The Oban Distillery is one of the smallest distilleries in Scotland and was established in 1794. This distillery is presently owned by Diageo.

It is also one of the distilleries in Scotland that the town was built around it. Oban Distillery is in the heart of the town and because of this can't be expanded as simply no more room is available.

Below is a selection of malts from Oban Distillery; most of them are fantastic drams to have at any event.

You can also read about Planet Whiskies tour of the Oban Distillery in 2015, and it was a fantastic day out in Oban, Planet Whiskies tour of the Oban Distillery in 2015 click on this link

Selection of Whiskies from Oban Distillery

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