Free Scottish Accommodation Listing for all hotels, Bed and Breakfast, Cottages & Self-catering Apartments

Planet Whiskies is offering all Scottish hotels, self-catering apartments and Bed & Breakfasts a free accommodation listing. All you need to do is supply text and details of your accommodation and email a photo that I can display on this website. All I ask if you can is insert a link on your website to Planet Whiskies.

Please when you submit your details please state your nearest whisky distillery and also included all your address details, email and website information.

This does not just apply to Scottish accommodation as this site will be adding accommodation worldwide, so be the first to add your accommodation listing if your location is in Australia, America, Canada, India etc, but please state the whisky distillery that you are near or your closes one.

This is a free service, but please could you add a link on your site to as it help this site and more important it help whisky trails in general to be better advertised to all the millions of surfers that search the internet for help to find whisky accommodation.

So if you can fill in the form below or send a email with all your details to with your attached photo. Your listing will be submitted to this website within a few days.

Accommodation Website
Your Accommodation Name
Contact Email Address
Your Nearby Distillery
Country of Accommodation
Text for this website


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