Maltstock 2014 | The Relaxed Whisky Weekend 5th-7th September, 2014 | 13th February, 2014

Welcome to the first Planet Whiskies press release for Maltstock 2014. Below are some details about Maltstock 2014 which is happening between the 12th and 14th September, and other whisky events that they will be going to attend in 2014. They also have just launched their new look website and you can see details below.

Maltstock logoThe Relaxed Whisky Weekend

Hi there, just a very quick update from the Maltstock headquarters. It's just 7 months till Maltstock 2014, be there or be square!

We are very happy to confirm that this year's breakfast will be served by Wullie Macmorland, proud owner of the Hielander Scottish Restaurant and organizer of the yearly held Hielander Whisky festival both in Alkmaar. Wullie will cook for us the world famous full scottish breakfast, twice! Owww yeah!

Hielander Whisky Festival will actually be held this week. Maltstock as always will be present with a couple of nice people and a table full of whisky for you to enjoy. Come and visit us!

We redesigned lately. Visit our new site at We are still working on some of the features, but it's a great site already.

Although the shop is offline due to maintenance: the tickets are flying out!
Please, if you want to come, send an email to:


Maltstock will be present at the following festivals as well:
Whisky in Leiden - 12\apr\2014 -
Internationaal malt whisky festival Gent - 8\9\maart -
Whisky festival noord Nederland - 28\29\30\maart -
Spirit of Speyside Whisky festival - 1\2\3\4\5\mei -

See you at one of these great festivals.
And we hope to see you at Maltstock 2014 of course!

Annette, Bob, Jeroen, Klaas, Stan and Teun


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