The Macallan unveils The Flask in Oakley Inc. design collaboration

The Macallan unveils The Flask in Oakley Inc. design collaborationLuxury single malt, The Macallan, has partnered with sport and lifestyle brand Oakley, Inc. to produce a unique limited edition flask.

Entitled ‘The Flask’, this latest collaboration for the brand has an edgy, adventurous feel.  It underlines both The Macallan’s credentials in innovation whilst adhering to the brand’s unwavering commitment to precision and detailed craftsmanship.

Made from stainless steel and carbon fibre the flask is durable in style as well as design.  The Flask has gone through extraordinarily exacting regimens and processes to ensure the exquisite taste of the single malt when in The Flask is maintained.

Ken Grier, Director of Malts, Edrington Group, said: “Working with people like Colin Baden and Neil Ferrier at Oakley, Inc. has not only been a huge amount of fun, but together it has allowed us to defy convention and take a truly design-driven approach in crafting this beautiful, yet high octane Flask.  The Macallan is known for its unique collaborations and this latest output continues our commitment to the high quality creativity now inherent within the brand.”

The edgy and adventurous theme to this collaboration is brought to life here in *The Flask: Test Sessions video

Neil Ferrier of Oakley, Inc., said: “I love the story behind The Flask as it was born in a very fitting environment. When Ken visited Oakley’s design bunker, he brought us some great Macallan so we granted him access! After a few drams, he asked Colin Baden, Oakley’s CEO, about making a convention-defying hip flask, and The Macallan; The Flask was born.  The challenges along the way were a ton of fun and result is a highly-engineered piece of hardware that is dedicated to purpose beyond reason.”

The Flask, which can hold 20cl, is extremely robust in functionality with every potential circumstance and environment of usage considered.  The inner flask is laser welded, wrapped in carbon fibre composite and clad in aerospace grade aluminium.

Limited stock of ‘The Flask’ will be available to purchase via 100 flasks will be available from 27th February date, priced £600.  

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