Whisky news from the The Scotch Whisky Association

SWA - Minimum pricing rejected by Scottish Parliament - 10th November, 2010

Right blend for scotch as new whisky law comes into force - 23th November 200910.11.10 - Today’s decisive vote to reject minimum pricing by the Scottish Parliament has been warmly welcomed by Scotch Whisky distillers.

The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has consistently argued that minimum pricing would be illegal and ineffective in addressing misuse, whilst significantly damaging one of Scotland’s key industries.

The Association calls on all parties now to work together on alternative UK tax-based measures to address concerns over the pricing of certain drinks. This can be achieved through early
reform of the excise duty system and the introduction of a UK-wide ban on alcohol sales below tax.

Gavin Hewitt, SWA Chief Executive, said: “The Scottish Parliament is to be congratulated. MSPs have looked carefully at the evidence rather than listening to the rhetoric on minimum pricing.

“Now that minimum pricing has been rejected, we call on all parties to come together to build consensus around alternative, more effective, legal tax-based measures to address alcohol misuse. Reform of the UK excise duty system so that all alcohol is taxed on a fair and responsible basis, according to alcohol content, offers that opportunity.”

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